So what is the content of these books?
Book 1: The Celestine Prophecy
Book 2: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision
Book 3: The Secret of Shambala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight
Book 4: The Twelth Insight: The Hour of Decision
Book 1: The Celestine Prophecy
Everything starts with sensing the so called “Synchronicities” – a definition given by Carl Gustav Jung (Freud's student). What are these Synchronicities? Synchronicities are mysterious coincidences, odd chances or named “flow” or “ESP” (extra-sensory-phenomenon). Strange fortunes which happen in our lives to make us attentive to something. Indicators that we should be observant, because in near future there will be an incident or a person appears who gives us important information, which leads us a step further in our development.
Example: We think about a friend, we didn’t hear from for years and suddenly, she calls (and in addition she tells us something that we need to know).
When we start to recognize these Synchronicities in our daily lives and if we stay centered in our true self, theses Synchronicities will happen more often – or better: We are more aware of them – and they will lead us, as well as to warn us from mishaps and danger.
One more insight from the Celestine books I think of as important is our handling the energy. We all know everything is energy, the whole universe, we people, the world we sense around us included. This energy we can learn to see – I talk about seeing aura – and we can direct it. To be more precise: Where our awareness goes to, there our energy will flow to (see The Secret). This happens automatically, but we can direct it with our consciousness, too, to send someone energy for example, if we think he or she could need it at the moment. This works for all other beings, too, of course, like plants, animals or even “lifeless” things. Talking to our plants is this principle.
We humans need energy to live on, without we get tired and powerless – in the end it would lead to death. Now we forgot that this energy that means life is cosmic energy, which exists everywhere and unlimited. We just have to connect to it and take it in. This is what most humans forgot and so they suck energy from other people instead of connect to the cosmic energy. How this works is easy to explain. As I said before: Where our awareness goes to, our energy flows to. We fight over attention to get energy, if our counterpart doesn’t give us from their energy of their own. We try to control.
And there humankind created some strategies. In Celestine there are four so-called “Control-Dramas” to get energy from others. It’s called “Control-Drama” because we play these dramas again and again to get control.
First there is the “Poor Me”, these are the complainers, they get energy or get others to be interested in them by complaining and blaming others, how hard their life is or how bad they have been treated (see the Complaintfree World Program from Will Bowen as well), assignments of guilt are part of that, too.
The second Control-Drama is the “Interrogator”. These are people who observe others carefully and question them to find mistakes and to criticize them. They typically say things like: “See, like I told you”. This is the way to get energy for them.
The third Drama are the “Inapproachable” ones, these are people who get attention by telling as less as possible about themselves and distance themselves from others to make them curious and take interest in them. They say vague things like: “Ah, I don’t know yet…”
The last Control Drama is the “Intimidator”. Like the name says, these are people who intimidate others directly, cracking heads and want to control. This is the most aggressive Control-Drama.
Normally one of these Control-Dramas is dominant, because we already learned in childhood how to use them to get energy from our parents, who didn’t learn otherwise from their parents. (I personally could use each Drama really good to get what I want, but I think for me the interrogator was dominant.) Actually it should be, that parents give their energy free and anytime to their children to make their children never suffer from energy-loss and grow up in an ideal environment. This is what the Celestine Prophecies teach, too. In that way, children learn to get in touch with the cosmic energy without sucking energy from other humans. Children growing up this way develop no Control-Dramas – they are free!
In my opinion the idea of these Control-Dramas defined by James Redfield is simple and clear. You can try to get awareness of them in your daily life. You will see them more and more – in yourself and in others. For me it’s always interesting to observe this. Important is to look at yourself, too – because on others we see theses Dramas more easily -, and we have to learn to cut it out and make a more stable contact to the REAL, cosmic energy. Energy from other people doesn’t last as long as cosmic energy. So why make a detour? Why not take energy to live on directly from the universe? Those who are able to get energy this way again will be happier for sure and I guarantee that your life will change much, as soon as you reconnect with the cosmic energy again (see Living on Light too).
But what to do exactly if I face a Control Drama and get energy sucked from me?
Celestine says, not to get involved with that Control-Drama. When we are able to recognize the drama, it’s easier. And Celestine says to call it by its name to stop it – that’s not easy to do in some situations, you can imagine: To tell your boss not to play the intimidator will be complicated in most situations. But what to do if a Control-Drama confronts us? The Insights say to connect with the cosmic energy and give our counterpart as much energy as they need. Because that is what they want and the cosmic energy provides us always with more energy as we can pass over to others. By giving others energy, we raise the chance for Synchronicities for our development at the same time. Because EVERY human we meet has information for us – and we for them! Even our critics!
After learning to connect with the cosmic energy flow, we automatically step into the synchronistic flow and our development will accelerate extremely. The most difficult thing is to stay in that flow, in other words to keep up the energy flow, because stress leads to step out of the flow very easy. So there is just one help: training.
The final point everything in the book leads to, is our esoteric/spiritual advancement as humankind to beings with higher energetic waves, so in the end to become pure energetic beings who aren’t depending on the circle of birth and death.
Book 2: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision
The 10th Insight just picks up where the first book ends. It contains themes like
- Birth Vision – our life task, which we chose before our incarnation, like we chose our parents according to it.
- The book teaches about Soul Groups – people who come together in several lives, because they have to solve a task together.
- Another topic is the overcoming anxiety;
- and it tells about a common World Vision, which we try to achieve as humankind.
- In addition to that they introduce a Future Vision (Memory of the Future) which we should focus on and keep it alive.
Book 3: The Secret of Shambala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight
The 11th Insight is about the journey to Shambala, this mysterious Place in Himalaya where more advanced people are living, a community quite a bit ahead of us and which can tell us about to the direction our development will go. This book is following up the 10th Insight and describes a method to keep the Future Vision alive, with topics like Positive Thinking, the Power of Believe or the Power of a common Vision or of a common Prayer.
Book 4: The twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision
The 12th Insight tells us how to transcript all of the known Insights into practice, and how there will be unlocked another Insight – the 12th, which integrate all “Integrations” (that’s how the Insights are named in this book) into an overall picture. If now there are enough people to live this example the quantum leap will happen and a new culture arises, we advance as human collective.
One of the most important parts of the 12th Insight I want to share here with you. They are the four spiritual laws, which are to enlighten our lives in a way, that they allow us a life with less Karma and in the Synchronistic Flow:
- The Law of Truth: Ever and in every situation tell the truth, may it sound esoteric or not! Lies and distortion of the truth are absolutely unacceptable.
- The Law of Connectivity: All humans are connected to each other and this way we can sense what others are thinking and feeling – the so-called intuition everyone of us has and which can be trained (Broers: morphogenetic fields)
- The Law of Karma: Karma is a positive correction, a mirror for our behavior. Even the intention to lie set Karma in motion and lowers our energy and the possibility of Synchronicities at the same time.
- The Law of Serving: It means to know intuitively what to do, to know what others need and to act as answer to it. “How can I serve you?” In other words: To be at the right place in the right time.
All described Insights on this page I got from the Celestine books by James Redfield and I tried to interpret them to the best of my knowledge to share them in this way with you.