Living on Light (German) Literature
My personal sources of Information for the theme Living on Light:
- The German Film "Am Anfang war das Licht" (At the beginning there was light)
- Living on Light by Jasmuheen
- Ein Leben durch Lichtnahrung (A life through Living on Light) by Michael Werner and Thomas Stöckli
>> sorry, I don't know if there is an English version now
- Sun Gazing by Hira Ratan Manek
- Aufbruch ins Goldene Zeitalter (Departure into the Golden Age) by Gabi Teroerde and Siegfried Trebuch
>> Sorry again, no English version so far
- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
(He mentions two women who were living on light)
- Der Alte aus Atlantis (Old Man from Atlantis) by Willigis
(here a spiritual Ceremony from the Age of Atlantis is mentioned, which is similar to the Living on Light process Jasmuheen teaches)
in addition from the "Dimensionssprung" Programm (German):
- Meine Erfahrungen mit dem Lichtnahrungsprozess
(My experiences with the Living on Light Process) - Interview with Kurt Schrammel
- you can find it HERE
- Lichtnahrungsprozess - 3 ½ Jahre ohne Essen (Living on Light Process - 3 ½ years without food)-
Interview with Gabi Teroerde
- you can find it HERE.
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